The school requires that each student enrolling in the Cosmetology or Esthetics programs must:

  1. Complete an application form.
  2. Provide proof of one of the following:
    • successfully completed high school or its equivalent as evidenced by any of the items on the following non-exhaustive list: copy of high school diploma, copy of GED certificate, copy of a transcript showing high school completion, proof of attainment of an Associate’s degree or higher by providing a copy of a college transcript showing college completion or college degree, etc.; or
    • completion of home schooling that state law treats as a home or private school; or
    • verification of a foreign student’s high school diploma has been performed by an outside agency that is qualified to translate documents into English and confirm the academic equivalence to a U.S. high school diploma.
    • Headmasters School of Hair Design has no training agreements.
    • Headmasters School of Hair Design does not accept ability to benefit.
  3. The school requires documented proof of age, and that they have reached the age of 16 ½ years, such as a driver’s license, birth certificate, government-issued identification, birth registration, passport, etc. You will need a current picture ID when you take your boards. You must have reached the age of 18 to be eligible for Federal Title IV Aid.
  4. If your name has changed between your proof of education document and your proof of age document, you must submit proof of name change, such as a marriage certificate, divorce document or legal name change certificate. (This will be for your license.)
  5. Pay registration fee of $150 (non-refundable)

Instructor applicants must meet all of the above requirements and must hold a current license as a practitioner in the field they wish to teach and complete an instructor in training application to be forwarded to the State Board of Cosmetology.

The school does not discriminate in its employment, admission, instruction, or graduation policies on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, or ethnic origin nor does it recruit students already attending or admitted to another school offering similar programs of study.

Students who re-enroll

All students who were previously enrolled at Headmasters School of Hair Design and who have chosen to discontinue their training in a course or have been terminated by Headmasters School of Hair Design are no longer considered a student of Headmasters School of Hair Design. Any student that wishes to re-enroll after being withdrawn longer than 6 months are enrolled as a re-entry student, with a new contract and will be charged according to the current rate on the date they re-enroll. If a student re-enrolls prior to 6 months, they will re-enter with the same contract that they ended with except their contract date will be updated to reflect their new contract graduation date with an addendum to the contract.

Note: Students who re-enter will re-enter under the same Satisfactory Academic Progress status as in place at the time the student left. If the student was not making satisfactory progress at the time they left, the student would not be considered as being in satisfactory progress upon their return. If the student is considered to be out of compliance with satisfactory progress upon their return, they would be required to meet the attendance and academic progress requirements of at least one evaluation period of the course in order to be returned to satisfactory status within the program, which would be considered “the warning period” according to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.


Students with prior clock hour training credit must first qualify in the regular school admission requirements. Students transferring to Idaho from outside the State must provide to the State of Idaho Board of Cosmetology, certification from the State’s licensing agency for proper acceptance and credit for hours gained in that State.

In the case of TRANSFER STUDENTS, a written transcript of previous official training will be required of students transferring to Headmasters School of Hair Design, in order to insure appropriate credit for the previous training. This transcript must indicate when and where the training was received; amount of training; practical requirements; grades; attendance and the last date of attendance or credit was given. It must be certified as to being true, correct and complete by the previous school official.

Applicants wishing to receive credit for previous hours will be required to complete our Basics Practical and written exams. We will determine hours accepted based on the results of the exams. Credit for hours previously earned will be granted if approved by the Idaho State Board of Cosmetology.   Transfer students are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress and complete all requirements for graduation.  INCOMPLETES, REPETITION AND NON-CREDIT REMEDIAL COURSES do not apply to cosmetology training and therefore have no effect on these training requirements or a students’ Satisfactory Progress. 


For applicants who cancel enrollment or students who withdraw from enrollment a fair and equitable settlement will apply. Refund calculations are performed and refunds are made timely. The following policy will apply to all terminations for any reason, by either party, including student decision, course or program cancellation, or school closure. Any monies due the applicant or students shall be refunded within 45 calendar days of official cancellation or withdrawal.

Official cancellation or withdrawal shall occur on the earlier of the dates that:

  1. An applicant is not accepted by the school and is entitled to a refund of all monies except a non-refundable application fee.
  2. A student (or legal guardian) cancels the contract and demands his/her money back in writing within three business days of signing the enrollment agreement regardless of whether the student has actually started training. All monies collected by school are refunded except non-refundable application fee.
  3. A student cancels the contract after three business days of signing, but prior to entering classes. In this case student is entitled to a refund of all monies paid to the school less an application fee, if applicable, and registration fee of $150.
  4. A student notifies the institution of his/her withdrawal in writing.
  5. A student on an approved leave of absence notifies the school that he/she will not be returning. The date of withdrawal shall determination shall be the earlier of the scheduled date of the return from the leave of absence or the date the student notifies the institution that the student will not be returning.
  6. A student is expelled by the school.
  1. In type 2, 3, 4 or 5, official cancellations or withdrawals, the cancellation date will be determined by the postmark on the written notification, or the date said information is delivered to the school in person.

For students who enroll in and begin classes, the following schedule of tuition adjustment will be considered to meet minimum standards for refunds.  All refunds are based on scheduled hours:





0.01% to   4.9%




5% to   9.9%




10% to 14.9%




15% to 24.9%




25% to 49.9%




50% and over



    • All refunds will be calculated based on the students last date of attendance. Any monies due a student who withdraws shall be refunded within 45 calendar days of a determination that a student has withdrawn, whether officially or unofficially. In the case of disabling illness or injury, death in the student's immediate family or other documented mitigating circumstances, a reasonable and fair refund settlement will be made.

Course and/or Program Cancellation Policy

      • If a course and/or program is canceled subsequent to a student's enrollment, and before instruction in the course and/or program has begun, the school shall at its option:
        • Provide a full refund of all monies paid; or
        • Provide completion of the course and/or program.
      • If the school cancels a course and/or program and ceases to offer instruction after students have enrolled and instruction has begun, the school shall at its option:
        • Provide a pro rata refund for all students transferring to another school based on the hours accepted by the receiving school; or
        • Provide completion of the course and/or program; or
        • Participate in a Teach-Out Agreement; or
        • Provide a full refund of all monies paid.
      • If a school permanently closes and ceases to offer instruction after student has enrolled and instruction has begun, the school must make arrangements for students. The school has at its option:
        • Provide a pro rata refund; or
        • Participate in a Teach-Out Agreement. 

      Collection Policy requires that:

      • Students who withdraw or terminate prior to course completion are charged a withdrawal fee of $150.00. This refund policy applies to tuition and fees charged in the enrollment agreement. Other miscellaneous charges the student may have incurred at the institution (e.g.: extra kit materials, books, products, unreturned school property, etc.) will be calculated separately at the time of withdrawal.  All fees are identified in the catalog and in this enrollment agreement.
      • No refund will be made for the student kit due to sanitation and health reasons, except for the following reasons: (1) unopened in original packaging, (2) student isn’t accepted by the school, (3) student cancels within three business days of signing the contract, and (4) student cancels after three business days of signing the contract but prior to beginning classes.  No refunds will be made for early completion of course.  In the event you are no longer attending classes and leave any personal property, including the training kit, in the students’ locker or on the school premises for more than twenty (20) days, said personal property will be deemed abandoned and the school shall have the right, without notice, to dispose of the said personal property. 
      • Collection procedures reflect good taste and sound, ethical business practices.  Collection correspondence regarding cancellation and settlement from Headmasters School of Hair Design, banks, collection agencies, lawyers, or any other third parties representing Headmasters School of Hair Design clearly acknowledges the existence of the withdrawal and settlement policy.  If promissory notes or contracts for tuition are sold or discounted to third parties, the third party must comply with the cancellation and settlement policy of the institution.
      • All students are required to complete Exit Counseling when they withdraw or graduate if they have a loan.


      If for any reason a student does not complete their registration contract and has received Title IV Funding, a refund calculation will be processed using the Return to Title IV Funds worksheet distributed by the U.S. Department of Education.  The student will be responsible for any money left owing the school according to the Institutional Refund Policy.  The student will also be responsible for their portion of R2T4 calculations. If the R2T4 calculation results in a credit balance on the student’s account, the credit balance will be disbursed as soon as possible and no later than 14 days after the calculation of the R2T4.

      Return of Title IV Policy - FEDERAL REGULATIONS 668.22 - The institution makes readily available upon request to enrolled and prospective students a summary of the requirements for the R2T4 grant or loan assistance.

      Students who withdraw from all classes prior to completing 60% of the semester will have their financial aid eligibility recalculated. Based on the percentage of the semester completed, students will be required to repay any unearned financial aid they received.


      1. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans
      2. Subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans
      3. Federal Direct PLUS Loans
      4. Federal Pell Grants
      5. Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants
      6. FSEOG
      7. TEACH Grants


      To withdraw, a student should write a letter stating why they want to withdraw with the last date of attendance on it and make an appointment to meet with either an owner or the Financial Aid Administrator.  The student will be asked to do Exit Counseling which is required by the Department of Education if the student received student loans.

      Upon determination of the student's last date of attendance, the Return of Title IV funds will apply.

      If the institution is required to send money back to the federal programs the student may have institutional charges for the term.

      If the student is required to pay back money to the federal programs they will not be eligible to receive additional federal Title IV financial aid until the federal aid has been paid back.

      If the student has a post-withdrawal disbursement, grants must be disbursed within 45 days and loans must be offered within 30 days, allowing the student at least 14 days to respond whether they want the loan or not and giving the school 1 day to disburse the loan. All post-withdrawal disbursements are applied to student account first, before any resulting credit balance is handled.

      Note: Title IV financial aid includes the following programs: Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan, Federal Direct Subsidized Loan, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Direct PLUS Loan, Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Grant, and the Talent Incentive Grant.


      Withdrawal from Headmasters School of Hair Design is a matter of major importance. If you are considering withdrawal from school discuss the matter with your Instructor prior to initiating action.  Withdrawal procedures must be fully completed before a withdrawal becomes official.

      An unofficial withdrawal will result if you stop attending Headmasters School of Hair Design but don't officially withdraw.  A student may be unofficially withdrawn when 14 days have passed since their last day of physical attendance that is not on an approved leave of absence.

      The school will monitor clock hour students’ attendance at least every thirty (30) calendar days. For unofficial withdrawals a student’s withdrawal date at a school that is required to take attendance is their last day of physical attendance.  Their date of determination must be within 14 days after they cease attendance.  Upon determination of the student's last date of attendance, the Return of Title IV funds will apply.

      If the institution is required to send money back to the federal programs (refund) the student may have institutional charges for the term.

      If the student is required to pay back money to the federal programs (refund) they will not be eligible to receive additional federal Title IV financial aid until the federal aid has been paid back.

      If the student has a post-withdrawal disbursement, grants must be disbursed within 45 days and loans must be offered within 30 days, allowing the student at least 14 days to respond whether they want the loan or not and giving the school 1 day to disburse the loan. All post-withdrawal disbursements are applied to student account first, before any resulting credit balance is handled.

      Note: Title IV financial aid includes the following programs: Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan, Federal Direct Subsidized Loan, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Direct PLUS Loan, Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Grant, and the Talent Incentive Grant.



The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy is consistently applied to every student enrolled in a NACCAS-approved program at the School. SAP is applied consistently to all  students enrolled in all our programs and for full-time students (we do not accept part-time students). The School measures SAP for each student by monitoring both academic performance and maximum time frame for completion. In order to be considered in compliance with the SAP policy, all students must meet the School’s policy regarding academics and attendance at the time of official progress evaluations. The SAP policy is printed in the catalog to ensure that all students receive a copy prior to enrollment. The policy complies with the guidelines established by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS) and the federal regulations established by the United States Department of Education.

Premiere student record keeping software is used by the school as our official way of tracking a student’s hours, GPA and minimum state requirements.


                                                        ACADEMIC YEAR                                              TOTAL LENGTH

PROGRAM                            CLOCK HRS              WEEKS                       CLOCK HRS              WEEKS

Cosmetology                            900                              28                                1600                            50

Cosmetology Instructor             1000                            30                                1000                            30       

Esthetics                                  900                              26                                600                             20


Students are evaluated for Satisfactory Academic Progress as follows for Cosmetology, Cosmetology Instructor, Esthetics and Transfer Students. Progress records are kept by the school and furnished to students. Evaluation periods (which may coincide with payment periods for purposes of Title IV funding, if applicable), will be as outlined below:

Cosmetology (1600 clock hours):
1st Evaluation Period Ends:    450 Clock Hours and 14 weeks
2nd Evaluation Period Ends:   900 Clock Hours and 28 weeks
3rd Evaluation Period Ends:    1250 Clock Hours and 39 weeks

Cosmetology Instructor (1000 clock hours):
1st Evaluation Period Ends:    500 Clock Hours and 15 weeks

Esthetics (600 Clock Hours):
1st Evaluation Period Ends:    300 Clock Hours and 10 weeks

Transfer students will be evaluated midpoint of the contracted hours or the established evaluation periods, whichever comes first.  The school shall evaluate students’ (academic and attendance) Satisfactory Academic Progress at the conclusion of each evaluation period.  (Headmasters School of Hair Design has chosen to omit evaluations at the conclusion of the last evaluation period within a program.)  All evaluations must be completed within seven (7) school business days following the established evaluation periods.  If a student is absent on the day of evaluation, the student will be evaluated on their first day of attendance after the evaluation.  Evaluations are based on actual hours completed.  Evaluations will determine if the student has met the minimum requirements for satisfactory academic progress. Students will be notified of all evaluation results.



Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative attendance average of 80% in order to be considered maintaining satisfactory attendance progress.  Evaluations are conducted at the end of each evaluation period to determine if the student has met the minimum requirements. The attendance percentage is determined by dividing the total hours accrued by the total number of hours scheduled. At the end of each evaluation period, the school will determine if the student has maintained at least 80% cumulative attendance since the beginning of the course which indicates that, given the same attendance rate, the student will graduate within the maximum time frame allowed.


The school requires a student to progress through the program toward graduation within an established timeframe.  The maximum time (which does not exceed 125% of the course length) allowed for students to complete each course at satisfactory academic progress is stated below.  This quantitative measure of progress will be reviewed during each Official Evaluation period thereafter.  If at any time it is determined that a student is unable to complete the program within the maximum established timeframe, the student will be deemed to be in unsatisfactory progress and, therefore, ineligible for financial aid (if applicable) and may continue as a student at the institution on a cash pay basis.

PROGRAM                                                                                        MAXIMUM TIME ALLOWED        

                                                                                                          WEEKS          SCHEDULED HOURS

Cosmetology (Full time, 32.15 hrs/wk) – 1600 Hours                             63 Weeks                                 2000 Hrs

Cosmetology Instructor (Full time, 33.34 hrs/wk) – 1000 Hours             38 Weeks                                 1250 Hrs

Esthetics (Full time, 34.62 hrs/wk) – 600 Hours                                    22 Weeks                                750 Hrs

The maximum time allowed for transfer students who need less than the full course requirements will be determined based on 80% of the scheduled contracted hours.

All payment period in a program count toward the maximum time frame for completion, even when a student does not receive any Title IV aid during one or more payment periods for that program.

Each student will be evaluated as to whether they are making Satisfactory Academic Progress regarding their attendance.  In order to graduate within the Maximum Time Frame for all courses, the student must complete within 125% of their scheduled completion date: 2000 hours for Cosmetology, 1250 hours for Cosmetology Instructor, and 750 hours for Esthetics.

Students who have not completed the course within the maximum timeframe shall be terminated from the program.  The student may thereafter be permitted to re-enroll in the program on a cash-pay basis consistent with the re-enrollment provisions of the institution’s admissions policy.  (Note: Students who do not complete the course after the normal time frame, as stated in the contract, may be charged additional tuition at the rate of $100.00 per day.)


Students must maintain a minimum 81% cumulative academic average. The qualitative element used to determine academic progress is a reasonable system of grades as determined by assigned academic learning. Students are assigned academic learning and a minimum number of practical experiences.  Academic learning is evaluated after each unit of study.  Practical assignments are evaluated as completed and counted toward course completion only when rated as satisfactory or better (the computer system will reflect completion of the practical assignment as a 100% rating).  If the practical assignment/performance does not meet satisfactory requirements, it is not counted and the practical assignment/performance must be repeated. At least two comprehensive practical skills evaluations will be conducted during the course of study.  Practical skills are evaluated according to text procedures and set forth in practical skills evaluation criteria adopted by the school.  Students must make up failed or missed tests and incomplete assignments. Numerical grades are considered according to the following scale:                   

100% - 93%                                                                              EXCELLENT

92% - 87%                                                                                VERY GOOD

86% – 81%                                                                                SATISFACTORY

80% and BELOW                                                                     UNSATISFACTORY


Students who meet the minimum requirements for attendance and academic performance at the evaluation points are considered are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress until the next scheduled evaluation. Students will receive a hard-copy of their Satisfactory Academic Progress Determination at the time of each evaluation.  Students not maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress are no longer eligible for Title IV Funding, unless on warning or prevailed upon appeal of the determination that has resulted in the status of probation.  


Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for attendance or academic progress at an evaluation period are placed on warning and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress during the warning period.  The student will be advised in writing on the actions required to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. If at the end of the warning period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic requirements, he/she may be placed on probation.


Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for attendance or academic progress after the warning period will be placed on probation and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress while during the probationary period. A student on financial aid probation may receive title IV, HEA program funds for one payment period. The School will require the student to complete a probation worksheet with an Instructor. On the worksheet the School will require the student to fulfill specific requirements such as developing an academic plan to qualify for title IV, HEA program funds. If the student is still not making SAP after the probation period (that would be graduation by that time) the student would not graduate until they are meeting SAP requirements.


Students may re-establish satisfactory academic progress and Title IV aid, as applicable, by meeting minimum attendance and academic requirements by the end of the evaluation period.


If enrollment is temporarily interrupted for a Leave of Absence, the student will return to school in the same progress status as prior to the leave of absence. Hours elapsed during a leave of absence will extend the student’s contract period and maximum time frame by the same number of days taken in the leave of absence and will not be included in the student's cumulative attendance percentage calculation. Course incompletes do not apply to the school.  Students who withdraw prior to completion of the course and wish to re-enroll will return in the same satisfactory academic progress status as at the time of withdrawal.


Noncredit, remedial courses, and repetitions do not apply to this institution. Therefore, these items have no effect upon the school's satisfactory academic progress standards.


With regard to Satisfactory Academic Progress, a student’s transfer hours will be counted as both attempted and earned hours for the purpose of determining when the allowable maximum time frame has been exhausted.  SAP evaluations will only be based on actual hours contracted at Headmasters School of Hair Design.